Almond Apple Delight - Caffeine Free

Almond Apple Delight - Caffeine Free

Only 14 left in stock


Comes In 1oz Packets

Comes in 1oz Packets

This is one of our seasonal favorites!! A caffeine-free fruit tisane with sweet apples, toasted almonds, and wonderfully blended spices. This brings out the best of any season but is deliciously warming in the cold winter months. The infusion is a brilliant pink, thanks to the hibiscus, and the apples add a touch of sweetness which is balanced by the almonds. Infuse up to 10 minutes to extract its full flavor.  

Insider Tip: When you're done infusing, toss the fruit and nut mix into your oatmeal or yogurt for a delicious treat!
Caffeine Level: None 
Steep time: 5 - 8 minutes at 208 degrees.
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The word Tisane comes from the French Tisane (Tee- Zahn) which derives from the Latin word Ptisana which literally means 'barley water'. Tisanes are technically NOT teas, since they do not contain leaves of the Camelia Sinensis, thus we consider them herbal blends. Tisanes were consumed in ancient Egypt and China as medicinal tonics. Tisanes contain no caffeine and their ingredients can range from roots, leaves, berries, and fruits. They can be either steeped in water (best for flowers and leaves) or simmered in water (best for roots and barks to release their flavors/benefits).
Ingredients: apple pieces, planed almonds, sliced almonds, cinnamon pieces, organic hibiscus.



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