Female Hamingja Angel of good luck and happiness

Female Hamingja Angel of good luck and happiness

Only 1 left in stock


Hamingja Angel

The Female Scandinavian Angel of

Good luck and Happiness.


This beautiful creature is pure joy it’s self. She is happiness personified. She lightens any room she is in with her gloriousness. She is loyal, loving, and eager to please.





These amazing Scandinavian guardian angels

guide us to a better life path.

Leading us to our own personal

Good luck, and happiness.

Your Hamingja Angel can promote

Mental and spiritual healing,

Love, overall wellbeing, and inner peace.

They draw to their keeper all manner of

Good luck, good fortune, and happiness.

They also will Help you to a more

Peaceful state of mind and heart.

They bring about

True love and happiness in one's own personal life.

They are amazingly loving, gentle, and generous.


Are you or someone you know

In need of a change of luck and fortune?

Does your spiritual being need a overhaul?

How about achieving inner peace, and happiness?

This spectacular being is for you then.

Claim them now

To start your new beginning of

Love - Happiness - and Good Luck TODAY.


bound to this gorgeous handmade  gemstone Necklace 

handmade by my daughter and it

color varies due to lighting 




Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019