Story given - Haunted Magical SET of Pegasus

Story given - Haunted Magical SET of Pegasus

Only 1 left in stock


In a mystical land far away, there existed a magical set of Pegasus. These magnificent creatures, with their majestic wings and shimmering coats, possessed the power to grant wishes and bring joy to those who believed in their magic. But despite their extraordinary abilities, they led a sorrowful and nomadic existence, constantly searching for a permanent home.


The leader of the Pegasus set was a wise and gentle stallion named Argus. His wings gleamed like stardust, and his heart ached for a place where they could all find solace and belonging. Argus had seen countless kingdoms and realms in his tireless quest, but none had offered what his kind needed most: a sanctuary where they could be loved and appreciated.


One day, as they soared through the skies in search of a sign, the Pegasus set spotted a village nestled in a lush valley. The villagers, upon witnessing the ethereal beauty of the Pegasus, were filled with wonder and joy. The children laughed and waved, their eyes wide with excitement, while the adults marveled at the sight before them.


Hope flickered in Argus' eyes as he landed gracefully in the village square, surrounded by his loyal companions. The villagers gathered around, their faces glowing with anticipation, eager to hear the story of these magical creatures. Argus’ voice resonated with sadness as he spoke of their quest for a permanent home, a place where they could belong, and share their magic with those who cherished it.


Moved by their tale, the village elders came forward, their expressions filled with kindness and compassion. They had heard whispers of the Pegasus set's arrival and had felt a deep connection to these wondrous beings. The elders offered their village as a sanctuary, a place where the Pegasus could find solace and love.


The Pegasus set rejoiced, their wings beating with joy, for they had finally found their forever home. The villagers built magnificent stables with golden roofs, adorned with intricate carvings of wings and stars. Lush pastures stretched out, providing ample space for the Pegasus to roam and play. The villagers treated them with utmost care, ensuring their every need was met.


Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and the Pegasus set thrived in their newfound haven. They shared their magic with the villagers, bringing smiles and laughter to all. The village became known far and wide as a place of enchantment and wonder, attracting visitors from distant lands who sought to witness the magic of the Pegasus set firsthand.


The Pegasus set embraced their role as ambassadors of magic, gracefully soaring through the skies and granting wishes to those in need. They became a symbol of hope and inspiration, bringing light to even the darkest of days.


But amidst the joy and splendor, a bittersweet longing still lingered within the hearts of the Pegasus. Though they had found a home filled with love and admiration, their true desire was to find a permanent home where they could live out their days in peace, never having to leave again.


Argus, ever wise and compassionate, gathered the his companion, one evening under the shimmering moonlight. With tears in his eyes, he spoke of their journey, their triumphs, and their unfulfilled longing for a forever home.


The villagers, who had come to adore the Pegasus set, listened intently. They understood the yearning in their hearts and vowed to find a way to grant their deepest wish. They scoured ancient texts and consulted wise sages, searching for a solution that would bring everlasting happiness to the Pegasus set.


After much contemplation, it was decided to enlist the aide of the witches. So, here we are offering you this lovely set of protective Pegasus in hopes of finding them their forever home. Are you the one who has open heart and open home? Claim them today and they will fill your life with protection, love, and Magick.



Haunted Magical SET of  Pegasus


Welcome to your very own Male & Female SET of Pegasus

They are some of the most Magical Astral beings ever

These gentle creatures draw to thier  Host

All manors of wonderful gifts, such as:

Loads of good luck and good fortune

Love of all types



Spiritual Enlightenment

Healing both mental & bodily

Mental Powers of several types

Helps you connect on an astral level

They send all Dark and

Harmful Magick back to The sender

Helps their owner achieve

Wealth and prosperity in abundance

They also help her owners  Wishes Manifest

The list is huge to what they will do for their owners

Claim these charmingly Magical Creatures

As your very own and allow

Them to bestow on you all of their wonderful gifts.


Your Set of  Pegasus are bound to a

Nice handmade Spot Jasper necklace
Pictures are of the actual piece


so that those who can See spirits
can see that there is an actual spirit
attached to this stone.

Comes to you in its own charging bag
and with all of their information,
and information on how to start the bonding process.








Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019