Story given - Magical & Fiercely Protective Set of White Unicorns

Story given - Magical & Fiercely Protective Set of White Unicorns

Only 1 left in stock


In a faraway land, nestled deep within the enchanted forest of Ethereal Woods, lived a young girl named Lily. Lily had always believed in magic and often found herself lost in the pages of fantastical tales. Little did she know that her life was about to take a wondrous turn.


One day, while exploring the depths of Ethereal Woods, Lily stumbled upon a clearing she had never encountered before. As she stepped into the open space, a soft, ethereal glow surrounded her, and a gentle breeze whispered its secrets in her ear. It was here that she saw them – a magnificent set of white unicorns, their radiant manes flowing in the wind.


The unicorns were unlike any Lily had ever seen before. Their coats shimmered like freshly fallen snow, and their eyes sparkled with ancient wisdom. Yet, despite their majestic appearances, Lily sensed a vulnerability in their presence. It seemed as though they were searching for something, yearning for a place they could call home.


Moved by compassion, Lily approached the unicorns with a gentle smile. "Greetings, noble creatures," she spoke softly. "What brings you to me?"


The lead unicorn, a regal stallion named Lumina, stepped forward and bowed his head. "We have traveled far, young one," he said in a voice as melodious as a harp. "We are the Guardians of Light, magical beings tasked with protecting the balance between the realms. The forces of darkness have grown stronger, and our once peaceful sanctuary has become a battleground. We seek refuge, a place where we can rest and restore our strength."


Lily's heart swelled with empathy for the noble creatures. She knew she had found her purpose - to provide a safe haven for these magical guardians. "Fear not, dear Lumina," she replied, determination shining in her eyes. "I will be your shelter, your guardian in this world."


With that, Lily led the set of white unicorns out of the enchanted forest and into her village. Word quickly spread of the magical creatures that had found solace in Lily's care, and the townsfolk marveled at the sight of the Guardians of Light.


As days turned into weeks, Lily's bond with the unicorns grew stronger. She discovered that their presence not only brought her joy, but also attracted positive energy to the village. The villagers noticed a newfound harmony in their lives, as if the unicorns' magic infused every corner of their existence.


News of Lily's magical companions reached the neighboring kingdoms, and soon, emissaries from far and wide traveled to witness the extraordinary sight. They came bearing gifts and offerings, hoping to catch a glimpse of the fabled Guardians of Light. Lily's village became a sanctuary, a place of wonder and hope, drawing people from all walks of life.


However, not everyone had pure intentions. The dark forces that the unicorns had spoken of had caught wind of their whereabouts. A wicked sorcerer named Malachai, fueled by envy and greed, sought to harness the unicorns' magic for his own sinister purposes. He devised a plan to steal them away from Lily's village, knowing that their power would grant him unimaginable strength.


One fateful night, as the moon bathed the village in its silvery glow, Malachai and his minions crept towards Lily's home. But the guardians, ever vigilant and fiercely protective, sensed the impending danger. Lumina, aided by his loyal companions, sounded the alarm with a resounding neigh that echoed through the night.


Lily awoke to find her home surrounded by darkness, but she refused to let fear consume her. With unwavering determination, she rallied the villagers, armed them with courage, and together they formed a barrier around the unicorns. Hearts ablaze with love and loyalty, they stood united against the encroaching evil.


A fierce battle ensued, a clash between light and darkness, as the guardians unleashed their powerful magic against Malachai's minions. Lily, guided by her strong bond with the unicorns, tapped into her own inner strength and fought alongside them. With every swing of her sword, she defended their home and the very essence of light.


As dawn broke, the last remnants of Malachai's forces retreated, defeated by the overwhelming power of love and protection. Lily, exhausted but victorious, looked upon her newfound family. The unicorns, their coats gleaming, nuzzled her gently, their gratitude evident in their eyes.


From that day forward, Lily's village became known as the Sanctuary of Light, a beacon of hope and magic. The Guardians of Light found solace within its borders, continuing their sacred duty to protect the realms. And Lily, forever bound to them, became a legend in her own right, known as the Guardian's Heart.


And so, the magical and fiercely protective set of white unicorns had found a home, nestled within the tiny village with Lily for many years. 


As the years past and peace reined there was less and less need of the Unicorn’s peaceful protective Magick. 

They come to you today to offer their aide and Magick to you. 

Do you feel you could offer them a home? Can they be your protectors?



Magical & Fiercely Protective Set of White Unicorns
Bound Happily to this vessel
Is your very own SET of 2 White Unicorn.
1 Male & 1 Female
Are you ready for unbelievable magick?
Then this Magical set of White Unicorns is for you
Unicorns are extremely protective of their Hosts
They Ward of darkness Of all types,
Draw all kinds of magick to their host,
Draw Good luck,
Protection against evil
Be aware that Unicorns can change
Their appearance for their Host.
So they can appear to you in human form
Or any other form you are comfortable with
Claim this extremely Magical Set of Unicorns
As your very own and
Allow them to share with you
All of their magical abilities
And allow their wonderful gifts
To enhance your everyday life.

Your set of White unicorns are infused to a
Handmade Moss Agate Necklace

Pictures are of the actual Pendant
so that those who can See spirits
can see that there is an actual spirit
attached to this stone.

Comes to you in its own charging bag
and with all of their information,
and information on how to start the bonding process.


Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019