Earl Grey Special Black Tea

Earl Grey Special Black Tea

Only 14 left in stock


Comes in 1oz packages.

The key to our special Earl is our special blend of fine black teas! The bergamot aroma and flavor are crisp, pronounced, and the perfect complement to the premium tea base.
Insider Tip: Did you know bergamot, the oil used to flavor Earl Greys, is thought to have mood-boosting effects? Try a cup on a gray day and see if it doesn't perk you up! For an evening drink, use Earl Grey Special as a base for an Earl Grey Hot Toddy.
Caffeine Level: Medium/High.
Steep time and temperature: 208 degree for 4 - 5 minutes

Learn More:
Teas can be flavored a number of ways, through the inclusion of ingredients - such as flowers, nuts, or berries, the addition of oils or extracts - such as citrus or vanilla, or by using artificial flavors. After being added to a base tea, these ingredients are blended together in a number of ways, either in large batches in a blending machine or in small batches by hand. Some teas are flavored through their processes, such as Lapsang Souchong, which is smoked over pine fires during drying. we pride ourselves in blending many of our teas by hand, carefully calculating our blends, and selecting only the best teas and the best ingredients to be used in our collection. Earl Grey is one of the most well-known tea blends in the world. Its signature flavor is owed to the addition of bergamot, a small citrus that is something between an orange and a lemon. Every Earl Grey blend is unique to the maker; you'll find ours has a touch of jasmine in it! Try all the varieties of Earl Grey and discover a new favorite.

Ingredients: Black tea, jasmine flower, natural and artificial flavors.


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