Highly Protective Female Centaur Entity

Highly Protective Female Centaur Entity

Only 1 left in stock


welcome to your very own
Female Centaur Entity


she is the most amazing and powerful
Astral Creature to have
She is firecely protective of her host
She brings to you
Exstreme Good fortune
Ultimate Grace
Undying Love
Complete Self Love
Harmony to your life
Her ultimate protection
The person who claims her
Won't be disappointed in inviting
Her to their home and heart.
Welcome this Beautiful companion to
Your heart today
And reap the benifits
Of her power and protection

In Greek mythology, a centaur (from Ancient Greek: Κένταυρος, Kéntauros) or hippocentaur is a member of a composite race of creatures, part human and part horse. In early Attic and Boeotian vase-paintings, they are depicted with the hindquarters of a horse attached to them; in later renderings centaurs are given the torso of a human joined at the waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be.

This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings, caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Lapiths, or conversely as teachers, like Chiron.

The centaurs were usually said to have been born of Ixion and Nephele (the cloud made in the image of Hera). Another version, however, makes them children of a certain Centaurus, who mated with the Magnesian mares. This Centaurus was either himself the son of Ixion and Nephele or of Apollo and Stilbe, daughter of the river god Peneus. In the later version of the story his twin brother was Lapithes, ancestor of the Lapiths, thus making the two warring peoples cousins.

Centaurs were said to have inhabited the region of Magnesia and Mount Pelion in Thessaly, the Foloi oak forest in Elis, and the Malean peninsula in southern Laconia.

Your Centaur is bound to a nice

Comes to you in its own charging bag
and with all of their information,


Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
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Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
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Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019