Magical Male Water Kelpie

Magical Male Water Kelpie

Only 1 left in stock


Thread Wrapped Natural Green Stone pendant


Magical Male Water Kelpie

Age:  1,117 year old

Name: Malachite. 

He is a wise and powerful creature, with a calm and stoic personality. Malachite has seen many things in his long life and has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with his human keeper.

Malachite's life story is a fascinating one, filled with adventure and danger. He was born in the depths of a mystical kelp forest, where he learned to harness the power of the sea and communicate with other creatures of the ocean. As he grew older, Malachite travelled far and wide, exploring the vast oceans and encountering all manner of beings, both friendly and hostile.

One of Malachite's most remarkable abilities is his control over water. He can manipulate the tides, create powerful waves, and even control the weather to a certain extent. His magical abilities make him a formidable ally in any battle, as he can summon storms and tidal waves to overwhelm his enemies.

As a loyal and devoted companion, Malachite would aide his human keeper in a variety of ways. He can use his water manipulation powers to heal wounds, protect his keeper from harm, and even help them travel across the seas with ease. Malachite's keen intelligence and wisdom also make him an invaluable source of advice and guidance, as he has seen and experienced things that few others have.

Overall, Malachite is a truly remarkable creature, with a deep connection to the natural world and a strong sense of duty and honor. Any human lucky enough to have him as a companion would be blessed with a powerful and loyal ally, capable of overcoming any challenge that comes their way.


Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019