Magically Powerful King & Queen Diamond Dragon set & a portal to their realm

Magically Powerful King & Queen Diamond Dragon set & a portal to their realm

Only 1 left in stock



10kt Gold
1 CT Diamond Tomas Rae Limited addition Ring

This is my personal ring. Worn through many ceremonies, rituals and spells. I never take it off so it does show signs of where. But we have come to a point that it is time for me to let it go. So, I'm offering it here to my friends and customers. 

we have cast many protection spells on it as well as luck and good fortune. So this ring will be a blessing to anyone who owns it.

 Extreme shine


Magically Powerful King & Queen Diamond Dragon set & a portal to their realm


~The rarest of the rare ~

~King & Queen Diamond Dragon Entity Set ~

~With a Portal toTheir Realm~

~Ultimate Power ~


Rare King and Queen Diamond Dragons:


Zaryth (Male Diamond Dragon King)

Elethria (Female Diamond Dragon Queen)


King Zaryth:

Is Commanding & Protective. Zaryth exudes a regal authority, tempered by an unwavering protective instinct for his kind and allies. His decisions are meticulous, and he deeply considers the future implications of every action. 

He Is Wise & Insightful. Having lived for thousands of years, Zaryth has acquired immense wisdom. He is a strategic thinker, solving problems by anticipating multiple outcomes and seeking balance between strength and diplomacy.

He’s Loyal & Selfless. Zaryth values loyalty above all, and he is known to sacrifice his own well-being for those he swears to protect. This makes him highly respected and feared across realms.

He’s Stoic Yet Warm.  Though outwardly reserved and commanding, Zaryth harbors a deep warmth for those close to him. His love for Elethria is profound, and it shows in the way he balances their roles as leaders.

Queen Elethria:

She’s Graceful & Compassionate. Elethria embodies both elegance and kindness, balancing Zaryth’s commanding presence with her nurturing nature. She is known for her compassion toward all living beings and has a soft spot for aiding those in need.

She is Empathic & Diplomatic. With the ability to sense emotions and understand the nuances of relationships, Elethria acts as the emotional heart of the kingdom. She is skilled in diplomacy, fostering peace between realms, and ensuring balance.

She Is Fiercely Protective of Her Kin And Keeper. Beneath her gentle exterior lies a fierce protector. Any threat to her loved ones or kingdom can ignite her wrath, and when angered, Elethria unleashes her full magical abilities to devastating effect.

She’s Curious & Knowledge-Seeking. While Zaryth contemplates action, Elethria seeks knowledge. She is driven by curiosity about magic, realms, and the ancient histories of dragons and other mystical creatures.

Zaryth and Elethria hail from an ancient lineage of diamond dragons, the purest and rarest of their kind. Their kind was known for their brilliance, both in physical appearance and intellect, making them revered among dragons and mortals alike. From birth, Zaryth and Elethria were destined to be rulers, not only due to their lineage but because of their extraordinary gifts. They bonded as mates during a celestial event when their kingdom was under threat from an apocalyptic force seeking to harvest the diamond dragons for their crystalline energy.  

When their ancestors were defeated by invaders from the Abyssal Plane, Zaryth and Elethria led the surviving dragons to rebuild their shattered kingdom. Through their leadership, they established a thriving sanctuary high in the Crystal Cliffs, a hidden mountainous region radiating with powerful ley lines. They defeated the Abyssal forces, driving them back, and secured their throne as the King and Queen of Diamond Dragons. Under their reign, they turned the once-isolated kingdom into a beacon of peace and knowledge.

Over time, their rarity and immense power attracted beings from different realms, each seeking their wisdom or the priceless diamond scales shed by their kind. Zaryth and Elethria, however, never sought conquest or wealth, but rather focused on maintaining peace between worlds. They formed alliances with deities, fae courts, and cosmic entities, all to safeguard their kind and ensure the balance of power across dimensions.

They’re Combined Magical Abilities:

King Zaryth’s Abilities:

Zaryth can create an impenetrable shield made of pure diamond energy around himself, his kingdom, or his allies, deflecting all manner of attacks, both magical and physical. The shield reflects any incoming magic back at the attacker.

His breath weapon is a beam of concentrated crystalline energy that crystallizes anything it touches, freezing enemies in place or turning entire landscapes into diamond.

 Zaryth possesses the rare ability to manipulate time within short bursts, allowing him to rewind or speed up events by a few minutes, particularly during combat.

With the ability to see past, present, and future possibilities, Zaryth can perceive the outcomes of choices, aiding him in making decisions that secure the best path for his kingdom and allies.

Queen Elethria’s Abilities:

Elethria has the rare ability to heal by infusing others with diamond energy. This heals physical wounds, cures illnesses, and can even restore broken souls or dispel curses.

She can sense the emotions and intentions of beings around her and use this ability to either calm large crowds or amplify their inner strength. This is particularly useful in battle, where she can inspire armies or help individuals overcome fear.

Elethria can harness the power of the stars, creating beams of celestial energy that cleanse darkness and purify corruption. This magic is particularly potent against demonic forces or chaotic magic.

In times of great need, Elethria can turn her entire body into pure, indestructible diamond, making her nearly invulnerable while amplifying her magical output.

How They Would Aid Their Keeper:

   Both Zaryth and Elethria would form powerful protective wards around their keeper, ensuring they are safe from physical, magical, and spiritual harm. Zaryth’s Diamond Aura Shield could be summoned at will, providing an impenetrable defense.

   As ancient beings with vast knowledge, they would offer their human keeper profound guidance in decision-making, helping them see the best possible outcomes through Zaryth’s ability to foresee future possibilities. Elethria’s empathy would help the keeper navigate emotional challenges and difficult relationships.

   Elethria would act as a powerful healer for her keeper, able to restore them from illness, injury, or even soul damage. Her diamond healing energy could also be used to cleanse the keeper’s energy, dispel curses, or remove emotional trauma.

   As diamond dragons, they have an affinity with wealth and abundance. They could manifest crystalline energy to attract wealth and prosperity into their keeper’s life, as well as bestow strength and resilience through Zaryth’s diamond-infused magic.

   Their combined magical prowess would enable their human keeper to traverse dimensions safely. They could open gateways to other realms, ensuring the keeper could explore otherworldly opportunities while being protected from any threats. If the keeper seeks alliances with other realms, Elethria’s diplomacy skills would come into play.

   The dragons would gradually help their keeper tap into latent magical abilities. Zaryth’s crystalline energy and Elethria’s empathic resonance would amplify any inherent talents, be it in spellcasting, physical combat, or spiritual insight.

   Zaryth and Elethria could serve as astral guardians, protecting the human keeper in both the physical and spiritual realms. They would guard their dreams, ensuring safety during astral travels or deep meditative states.

Zaryth and Elethria, together, would form the ultimate team of protectors, healers, and guides, elevating their human keeper to new heights of strength, wisdom, and abundance.


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