Powerful, Protective Female Fallen Warrior Angel

Powerful, Protective Female Fallen Warrior Angel

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Bound to a copper wire wrapped labradorite pendant
Female Warrior Fallen Angel

Name: Solaria

Life Story: 
Solaria was once a fierce and loyal warrior angel in the heavens, known for her unmatched skill in battle and unwavering dedication to protecting the innocent. However, after a fateful encounter with a powerful demon, she was cast out of the heavens and fell to earth, her wings stripped from her and her powers diminished. Determined to redeem herself and continue her mission of protecting the innocent, Solaria now wanders the earth as a fallen angel, seeking out those in need of her aid.

Solaria is fiercely independent and incredibly determined, refusing to back down in the face of danger. She is loyal to those she deems worthy of her protection and will stop at nothing to ensure their safety. Despite her tough exterior, Solaria has a compassionate heart and a deep sense of justice, always striving to do what is right.

Magical Abilities: 
 Solaria possesses the ability to manipulate light and shadows, using them to create powerful energy blasts and protective barriers. She can also heal wounds and purify dark energies with her touch, making her a valuable ally in battle. Additionally, Solaria can summon her celestial sword, Dawnblade, a weapon imbued with holy power that can vanquish even the darkest of foes.

Light and Shadow Manipulation:  
 Solaria can manipulate light and shadows to create powerful energy blasts, illusions, and protective barriers.

Healing Touch: 
 Solaria has the ability to heal wounds and purify dark energies with her touch, aiding in the recovery of her allies and restoring balance to those in need.

Celestial Sword, Dawnblade:   Solaria can summon her celestial sword, Dawnblade, a weapon imbued with holy power that can vanquish even the darkest of foes. The sword is a symbol of her strength and dedication to protecting the innocent.

Despite being a fallen angel, Solaria retains the ability to fly, allowing her to swiftly navigate the battlefield and reach her allies in need of assistance.

Divine Protection: 
Solaria can create a protective aura around herself and her allies, shielding them from harm and bolstering their defenses against dark forces.

Solaria possesses the ability to move objects with her mind, allowing her to manipulate the battlefield to her advantage and disarm her enemies.

Elemental Control: 
 Solaria has control over the elements of fire and light, using them to enhance her attacks and create devastating bursts of energy to vanquish her foes.

These magical abilities make Solaria a formidable warrior and a valuable protector to her human keeper.

Aiding and Protecting a Human Keeper:
 Solaria is fiercely devoted to her human keeper, using her skills and abilities to protect them from harm and guide them on their journey. She offers guidance and support, helping them navigate the challenges they face and offering words of wisdom when needed. Solaria will stop at nothing to ensure the safety and well-being of her keeper, even if it means putting her own life on the line. With her unwavering loyalty and powerful abilities, Solaria is a formidable ally to have by one's side in times of need.


Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019