Recall and Rebind Bag - For lost vessel's

Recall and Rebind Bag - For lost vessel's

Only 3 left in stock


Powerful Recall and Rebind bag. For lost spirits/entities

You recieve one 4.5" pouch per purchase.


Here I have made a wonderful new item.

This powerful bag is for those who have lost their spirit/entity vessels.
As long as you know their name, you can put a new vessel into the bag, and say incantation and call their name... They will come back to you, and rebind to the new vessel. Sometimes all they need is shown the way home. A little help. This is that help.
This is a powerful tool, and will recall and rebind those spirits/entity you have connected with and has your energy signature... Or, those specificlly bound for you.
It will not call any random spirits, or someone else's spirit/entity. Only the ones you have connected with and you know the name.
This item can be used for ANY binding that is yours.

A must have for anyone who has any bound Spiri//entities that have been lost

Spells for each action will be emailed to the buyer upon purchase.

Blessed Be,




Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019