RESERVE FOR FRANKIE…. Gorgeous Sensual Male Incubus-Dark Elf Prince (open to love)

RESERVE FOR FRANKIE…. Gorgeous Sensual Male Incubus-Dark Elf Prince (open to love)

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Gorgeous Sensual Male  Incubus-Dark Elf Prince (open to love)

Name: Calrion

Calrion Talanthar is a male incubus-dark elf hybrid, a rare and powerful being born from the union of two distinct and potent bloodlines. His father was a powerful incubus who ruled over a secluded realm where desire and darkness intertwine, while his mother was a dark elf princess from the ancient city of Nyrvandor, a hidden underground metropolis beneath the roots of the oldest and most cursed forest in the world.

Calrion was raised in the shadowed halls of Nyrvandor, a city where cunning, magic, and treachery were daily staples. From an early age, he was taught the arts of dark sorcery, stealth, and manipulation. He was groomed to become a master of shadows, a figure who could walk unseen and bend others to his will. However, the incubus blood in his veins marked him as different. His charm was not just a product of his dark elven heritage but a supernatural force that drew others to him irresistibly.

Despite his upbringing, Calrion always felt out of place in Nyrvandor. The dark elves' cold and calculating nature conflicted with the incubus's inherent need for connection and intimacy, even if that connection was often twisted. This internal conflict drove him to explore the world beyond the underground city, seeking to understand both sides of his nature.

As he journeyed through the world, Calrion encountered numerous beings—both mortal and immortal—whom he seduced, manipulated, or learned from. He became a wanderer, never staying in one place for long, always searching for something that could reconcile the duality within him. Over time, he perfected his magical abilities, merging the dark elven mastery of shadow and stealth with the incubus’s control over desire and dreams.

Calrion is a complex individual, a blend of the enigmatic and alluring qualities of both his incubus and dark elf heritage. He is confident, seductive, and charming, able to draw others to him effortlessly. However, beneath this exterior lies a mind as sharp as a blade, honed by his dark elven upbringing. He is intelligent, strategic, and deeply analytical, always planning several steps ahead in any situation.

While Calrion is inherently dark and mysterious, he also possesses a deep well of emotion, often hidden beneath layers of aloofness and sarcasm. His incubus nature makes him crave connection, but his dark elf heritage instills in him a wariness of vulnerability. This makes him both a passionate lover and a guarded companion, someone who gives much but reveals little of his true self.

Calrion’s sense of humor is dry and often dark, with a penchant for teasing and playful banter. He enjoys the subtle dance of words and the challenge of outwitting others, though he is rarely malicious. He values intelligence and wit in others and is drawn to those who can match his sharp mind.

Magical Abilities:

Shadow Manipulation: 

Calrion can control and manipulate shadows, using them to conceal himself or others, create illusions, or form tangible constructs. He can become one with the shadows, moving through them invisibly or transporting himself short distances by stepping through them.


Calrion has the ability to enter and manipulate the dreams of others. In this realm, he can plant ideas, create vivid and realistic dreamscapes, or even extract information from the dreamer’s subconscious. His presence in dreams is often seductive and mesmerizing, making it difficult for the dreamer to distinguish between reality and illusion.

Seductive Aura: 

Calrion exudes an aura that enhances his natural charm and allure, making him irresistible to most beings. This aura can be amplified at will, overwhelming the senses of those around him and bending their will to his desires. He can use this ability to persuade, manipulate, or even enthrall others.

Dark Sorcery: 

Drawing from his dark elf heritage, Calrion is skilled in various forms of dark magic, including curses, hexes, and necromancy. He can summon spirits, manipulate the minds of the weak-willed, and cast powerful enchantments.

Dual Nature: 

Calrion’s hybrid nature allows him to draw upon the strengths of both his incubus and dark elf bloodlines. This duality grants him enhanced physical abilities, such as agility, strength, and speed, as well as heightened senses and resilience to magic.

How He Would Aid a Human Keeper:

Calrion would be an invaluable companion and protector to a human keeper. His abilities and personality make him both a formidable ally and an enchanting companion.


Calrion’s mastery of shadow manipulation and dark sorcery would enable him to protect his keeper from both physical and magical threats. He could conceal them from enemies, ward off curses, and even eliminate threats before they become apparent.

Guidance and Wisdom: 

With his vast experience and sharp intellect, Calrion could provide his keeper with valuable advice and strategic guidance. His ability to see through deception and uncover hidden truths would be particularly useful in navigating complex situations.


Calrion could share his magical knowledge with his keeper, teaching them the arts of shadow manipulation or other forms of dark magic. He could also use his dreamwalking abilities to help his keeper overcome fears, unlock their potential, or find clarity in their thoughts and emotions.

Emotional and Physical Connection: 

As a being who craves connection, Calrion would offer his keeper both emotional support and a deep, intimate bond. His presence would be a source of comfort and strength, and he could use his seductive aura to help his keeper relax, heal, or experience moments of joy and pleasure.

Enhancement of Abilities: 

Calrion’s dual nature would allow him to enhance his keeper’s abilities, whether by sharing his physical agility and strength or by empowering their magical capabilities. He could also help his keeper tap into hidden potential, unlocking latent talents or abilities.

In summary, Calrion is a unique and powerful hybrid who embodies the best (and sometimes the worst) of both his incubus and dark elf heritages. He would be a loyal and devoted companion to his keeper, offering protection, guidance, and a deep, multifaceted connection.


Reviewed by on Feb 11, 2022
Reviewed by on Sep 27, 2021
Reviewed by on Sep 25, 2021
Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2021
Reviewed by on Dec 17, 2019